AstroWeb: Other library resources

Astronomy Acknowledgement Index
This service provides references to all personal acknowledgements from all papers published in the leading journals in astronomy in the years 1995 and 1996. Search by name and lists of the most acknowledged scientists are available. Compiled by Dima Verner, University of Kentucky. Not updated.
Astronomy Thesaurus
A multilingual web interface to "The Astronomy Thesaurus", compiled by R.M. Shobbrook & R.R. Shobbrook.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Library (AAL)
The "Astronomy and Astrophysics Library" (AAL) is devoted to monographs on subjects encompassing all aspects of modern astronomy and astrophysics. The spectrum covers everything from experimental and observational techniques to the most elaborate theoretical models, be it for extraterrestrial physics or related to the origin of the universe.
Astrophysical Journal Letters Citation Analysis (ApJ Lett.)
The electronic edition of The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL) allows an easy statistical analysis of citations in the ApJL articles. This page (compiled by Dima Verner) provides citation statistics of the electronic ApJL starting for the year 1996. The page is not updated.
CARL (Colorado Association of Research Libraries)
Maintained by CARL Corporation.
Elsevier Science publishers
General Information from Elsevier Science: The Elsevier Science Internet Journal and Book Catalogue, Information on TULIP - The University Licensing Program, About Elsevier Science. Electronic Journals: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems: WWW '94 Conference Proceedings. Current Awareness and Archival Services: ECONbase, Nuclear Physics Electronic. Other Services: Elsevier Science Gopher Server, Elsevier Science FTP Server.
Library of Congress
Physics - Astronomy - Mathematics Division of the Special Libraries Association (PAM)
Selected astronomy book and software reviews
These files are updated quarterly. They contains citations for reviews in the main astronomy journals and magazines, of books closely related to astronomy and astrophysics.
UK Schmidt Telescope (UKST)
The initial task of the UKST was to construct a photographic survey of the entire southern sky. The telescope still takes some 700 plates a year - about half for current surveys and the remainder taken at the request of research astronomers around the world. To date the UKST has taken over 17,000 plates, the plates are stored in the Plate Library at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (ROE) and represent a huge source of data for the astronomical community. Some 300 active research programmes make use of UKST plate material. Many plates are copied in the ROE Photolabs and sold as Sky Atlases or Teaching Packages. In addition to its photographic role the UKST also has a multi-object fibre spectroscopy system known as FLAIR. e-mail
World library catalogs via Telnet (Yale list)

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