home> giantpanda> An Overview of Scientific Research on Giant Pandas

Research Tasks and Achievement


An Evaluation MeetingThe general research task of the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Panda is to increase the population of the giant panda by focusing on reproduction, fundamental and application researches. The comprehensive research includes the reproduction, breeding, behavior, physiology, biochemistry, endocrine, genetics, species observation and disease treatment of the giant panda and other rare species.

The research work mainly consists of three parts: wild plants and animals, economic plants and animals, and domestic animals in the reserve. It involves many scientific branches, such as: ecology, group distribution and group behavior, breeding and reproduction, pathology, endocrine, genetics, clinical medicine, parasitosis, microelement, sound spectrum, pedigree and artificial breeding.

From Jan. 1st, 1991 to October 2003, the scientists and researchers finally solved the three major problems in the breeding of giant pandas- difficulty in panda's mating, difficulty in panda's pregnancy and difficulty in keeping panda cubs alive. The research center makes remarkable achievement in the history of breeding giant pandas.

Institutions and Staff of the Research Center
Cooperation with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)